Tasks and Tools
Mobile & In-home EEG Data Collection for Pediatric Populations
As a part of the Baby's First Years project, we successfully collected over 400 in-home, mobile infant EEGs. As a result of this timely endeavor, we published a manuscript (link) and created a number of resources available for the scientific community including:
How to standardize the home recording environment - Figure 1 in manuscript - Link
FAQs for parents about EEG - Link
Certification exam for mobile EEG data collectors - Link
Code for split-half reliability of EEG - Link
Data tracking spreadsheet - Link
miniMADE: Analysis code for low-density and mobile EEG - link
Consent videos for EEG (Available in English and Spanish for research purposes only -- available upon reasonable request)
Entertaining, wordless resting EEG videos (Available in English and Spanish for research purposes only -- available upon reasonable request)
BONUS: My talk for NIH on on future innovations for EEG processing and analysis is available here.
100 Days of Writing
A tool I use to hold myself accountable for writing is to track if I write at least an hour a day over 100 days (not counting weekends, since breaks can be important). I do this by keeping track on a sticker chart (a true developmentalist at heart) and in an SPSS/Excel document. Each hour, I make a goal, block most of the internet, and track my progress. I hope this works as well for you as it does for me!
Writing Template with dates (June-October)
Writing Template without dates
My Stickers (full disclosure, these were just left over from my dissertation)
Other tasks and tools available by email:
A folder of social and emotional development syllabi (including my own) - LINK
ERP-friendly AX-CPT for young children and adults
ERP-friendly Flanker for young children
ERP-friendly Go/Nogo for young children
Code to remove infant naps from LENA data
Video to keep infants entertained while collecting baseline EEG
Protocols on how to collect baseline EEG from infants using mobile EEG
Helpful tools that I use or intend to use (NOT made by me, not responsible for content):
EEG Resources
Writing Resources
Get rewarded with Kittens for writing - Written Kitten
Get punished for not writing - Most Dangerous Writing App
Cognitive testing
Cognitive tasks online - Gorilla
Publishing Resources
What journal should I submit to? - try JANE
What papers are connected to a paper of interest - try Connected Papers
Research organization - try Research Rabbit
Other Tools
I need this file type to be that file type - Cloud Convert
Need to make a cool diagram for participant counts? Try Sankeymatic.