Publications & CV

Sonya V. Troller-Renfree, PhD

Teachers College at Columbia University, Department of Biobehavioral Sciences, 525 West 120th St., New York, NY, 10023

Academic Background

Assistant Professor
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York

Goldberg Post-doctoral Fellow

Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New YorkAdvisor: Kimberly G. Noble2018-pres


Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 2018.Advisor: Nathan A. FoxDissertation: The development of cognitive control during childhood: A neurocognitive perspective.2012-2018 

Post-baccalaureate Research Assistant

Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MassachusettsAdvisor: Charles A. Nelson2010-2012 

B.A. With Honors in Psychology

The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 2010Advisor: Seth D. PollakThesis: Untangling the effects of biological father absence on adolescent development2006-2010


Peer-Reviewed Articles in Refereed Journals

Electronic copies of these publications are available for individual, non-commercial use only
*denotes senior authorship where I provided mentorship, funding, and was in charge of all aspects of overseeing the manuscript.
†denotes a trainee or mentored student

Book Chapters




Honors and Awards

2020 - pres     National Institute of Child Development (NICHD): K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award

2024     Priscilla Wohlstetter Faculty Mentoring Award (link)

2023     Rising Star of the Association for Psychological Science

2020                                Goldberg Postdoctoral Fellowship, Teachers College, Columbia University

2013-2018                  National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)

2017                                Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) SECC Dissertation Funding Award

2017                                Charles Beaumont Dissertation Award in Human Development

2013, 2015, 2017    Society for Research in Child Development Student Travel Award                                       

2016                                Support Program for Advancing Research and Collaboration (SPARC) Grant                         

2015                                National Science Foundation Trainee (NSF Grant 1439258, PI: Megan Gunnar)                    

2015                                International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Travel Award                                  

2013                                National Institute of Mental Health Interdisciplinary Behavioral Science Center Travel Grant  

2012                               NIMH Center on Early Experience Stress and Neurobehavioral Development SEED Grant

2012-2014                 Early Experience, Stress and Neurobehavioral Development Center Trainee                          

2012-2014                 NICHD Social Development Trainee (Grant T32HD007542)

 2009                              University of Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship

2009                               College of Letters and Science Senior Honors Thesis Research Grant                                    

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